ASB Motto and Mission:
FOLLOW ME.“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ”
I Corinthians 11:1
Our mission as student leaders of CCHS, is to INSPIRE, IMPACT and INVOLVE our peers as we ENRICH student life through SERVANT LEADERSHIP.
Quick Facts about ASB:
Quick Facts about ASB:
ASB consists of four teams:
The Board of Directors:
The ASB Board of Directors is a group of 19 elected officers who meet weekly to produce the activities and events of CCHS.
The Leadership Teams:
The ASB Leadership Teams are a group of students who meet weekly with an ASB Board Member to complete a particular event, activity or school need. The teams are built on an interview process that occurs each May. Leadership Teams meet every Tuesday at lunch. The four leadership teams are:
* Publicity Team
* Media Team
* Media Team
* Pep and Spirit Team
* Design Team
How can I join ASB?:
The ASB Board of Directors have interviews and elections at the end of every school year. In May, look for postings and announcements for elections. Students can join Class Cabinets and Leadership Teams by applying at the end of the school year.
Class Cabinet:
The ASB Cabinets are groups of students from each grade. Their main responsibilities are: working on homecoming floats, class fundraisers, pep rally signs, gaining class points and keeping up school spirit. The Cabinets meet bi-monthly in their class advisor's room.How can I join ASB?:
The ASB Board of Directors have interviews and elections at the end of every school year. In May, look for postings and announcements for elections. Students can join Class Cabinets and Leadership Teams by applying at the end of the school year.
2022-2023 ASB Board
- ASB President: Gabby Tran
- ASB Vice President: Braydon Preuit
- Director of Finance: Olivia Neumann
- Director of Activities: Elle Sanchez
- Director of Facilities: Aletheia Wilcox
- Director of Public Relations: Victoria Galan
- Director of Pep: Rafael Sermarini
- Director of Spirit: Jocelyn Gildart
- Director of Publicity: Joyce Hong
- Director of Media: Paige Savoy
- Director of Design: Chloe Nguyen
- Chaplain: Michaela Whitford
- Senior Class President: Miriam Talstein
- Senior Class Vice President: TBD
- Junior Class President: Joy Yomogida
- Junior Class Vice President: Derek Rotunno
- Sophomore Class President: Alayna Blush
- Sophomore Class Vice President: John Park
- Freshmen Class President: Tyler Sleashy
- Freshmen Class Vice President: Nathan Drown
- ASB Advisor: Jessica Cook
- ASB Administrator: Connor Freer
- Design Advisor: Steve Willette
- Publicity Advisor: Steve Willette
- Media Advisor: Bobby Brown
- Pep and Spirit Advisor: Bernie Francis
- Senior Class Advisor: Jake Morphis
- Junior Class Advisor:
- Sophomore Class Advisor:
- Freshmen Class Advisor: Glory and Joe Camacho
Need to Contact Us?:Call us at: 714.662.7485
Mail us at: 3800 S. Fairview Road, Santa Ana, CA 92704
Email us at: [email protected]
Follow us on Instagram: cchseagles