HONOR ROLL & PRINCIPAL'S AWARD RECIPIENTS Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Semester 1 Honor Roll and Principal's Award Recipients!
EAGLE EXPERIENCE Incoming high school students are invited to our annual Eagle Experience student shadow day! This half-day event will allow students to tour our campus, observe our teachers, and experience our school spirit and culture.
VETERAN'S DAY PARADE For the past 49 years, Calvary Chapel Schools has been honored to celebrate Veterans Day with a special Parade and Ceremony. Check out these highlights!
WINTER FORMAL 2023 We are excited to host our 2023 Winter Formal on February 25th at the AV Irvine Event Center!
CALVARY JAZZ CAFE Get all the details and your tickets to the infamous annual Jazz Cafe led by band director, Len Montgomery.
SENIOR PARENT INFO NIGHT Senior parents are invited to learn important senior info and ask questions about upcoming events.
2022 TENNIS BANQUET The CCHS Girls Tennis Team celebrated 25 years of building a tennis legacy with legacy coaches, Sue and Tim Linn!