CONVOCATION ASSEMBLY What an amazing blessing has the Lord given us for all of us to celebrate together at our Convocation Assembly, to be united and celebrate all the 50 years as one body in Christ from Preschool to Highschool.
1ST DAY OF SCHOOL AT CCS What a wonderful first day of school at CCS and we are so glad to have you all back Eagles! May the Lord give you the Strength you need to take off and soar into the new school year.
Trevor Anthony Win'E - Class of 2000 US ARMY, GAVE HIS LIFE ON MAY 1, 2004-On Memorial Day, visit LA Times website & leave a message.
GIRLS BEACH VOLLEYBALL WINS ACADEMIC AWARD Congratulations to our Girls Beach Volleyball team for winning the 2022-2023 CIF Southern Section Academic Team Championship
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2023-2024 Our enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is open now! Apply today.
CCHS GRADUATION 2023 Read all the information for our class of 2023 graduation ceremony on June 17th.
INFO NIGHT MAY 2023 The best way to learn about and experience our schools is to attend one of the all-schools info nights that we host periodically throughout the year.