
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once you click on any one of the following links, you will leave this website. Please note that we are not responsible for any content posted on these websites or the design of these websites.
Interested in high school sports? Stay up to date with the Orange County Register. Pre-season predictions, game scores and stats, you can get it all right here from the Orange County Register.
Are you interested in being used by the Lord? Come and see how you might be able to be involved with Safe Harbor International.
Family Connection from Naviance is filled with powerful tools to help you with college searches and comparisons. Your student should have their username and password to access the system. If you would have any questions please contact the guidance office at (714) 662-7485.
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is the first step to qualifying for grants, scholarships or student loans. You must submit your FAFSA application between January 1st and March 2nd. To get started, you and your student need to obtain a FAFSA PIN. This link will take you to PIN application site. If you have any questions contact the guidance office at (714) 662-7485.
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. FAFSA is the first step to be eligible for grants, scholarships and student loans. This link will take you to the FAFSA application site. Before you can begin you and your student must obtain a FAFSA PIN (personal identification number). You can obtain a FAFSA PIN by going to If you have any questions contact the guidance office at (714) 662-7485.
Pertussis is widespread. If your child 10 years and older has not yet received the 'Tdap' pertussis booster shot, please contact your doctor or health department. Getting a booster shot now will protect your child against the ongoing threat of pertussis and meet a new school requirement that begins in the 2011-2012 school year (California law - Assembly Bill 354). Adults are also advised to get a pertussis booster shot, if they haven't already, to protect themselves, their families, and their students.
Are you interested in attending a Cal State University? CSU Mentor is a great place to research the 23 campuses, enter information into your high school planner, and to submit your application. For more information contact the guidance office at (714) 662-7485.
Discovery Education offers free student resources that bring learning to life both in and out of the classroom.  
Are you looking for a Christian home school program? Calvary Chapel Private School Program could be for you! CCPSP is an independent program where you determine your curriculum and the direction for your student. For more information call (714) 549-8727 or email [email protected].